Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Education Vs Horace Mann - 1401 Words

From the dawn of time, education has been the pasts greatest utility in survival. Through learning, skills that have been passed down from the errors of others, communities were able to learn and grow with each other. Simple public education systems began to pop up to educate the youth and the curious, and ever since the first school systems began there has been room for improvement. The largest reforms of the educational system began at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Primarily, both Geoffrey Canada and Horace Mann share similar views on school tuition, and believe that college education should be tuition-free and available to the entire general public. In Horace Mann’s â€Å"Communist Manifesto†, he writes about the 10†¦show more content†¦This would be a large loss of income for the banks and private industries, however it would mean that millions would be free of student loan debt, and many hundreds of millions more in the future. Also similar to Horace Mann, Geoffrey’s platform would appeal to the lower class citizens and â€Å"recognize poverty as the key obstacle to learning† (). The ideas of Horace Mann state that there is a constant class struggle between the lower and the upper classes, and that class struggles are the cause for all conflicts in society (). Geoffrey Canada plans to merge the gap between these two classes when it comes to education. Essentially, by advocating for free school tuition, she is also advocating for a platform in which the poorest children in class would be able to achieve the same level of education as the child whose parent brings home a six figure salary. The second issue upon which Horace Mann and Geoffrey Canada both agree upon is the expunging of Standardised Testing and High Risk test taking. Horace Mann in the â€Å"Communist Manifesto† points out that tax-funded, government run school systems control the information taught. He later writes that the tuition fre e educational system would bring an end to the â€Å"government force-tax funded schools†, and he later says that the justification for tax-funded school systems is â€Å"to train the young to work for the communal debt system† (). It can be inferred from the quote thatShow MoreRelatedThomas Jefferson, Horace Mann, John Dewey, And The Court Case Of Brown Vs. Brown898 Words   |  4 PagesEducation has come a long way evolving from wealthy families teaching their children at home to public schools where every race, religion, and status gets an education. Along the way there have been key people and events which shaped the way education plays a part in all our lives. The following paper will expound on a few of those cases. The four people and events contributing to the basis of this paper are Thomas Jefferson, Horace Mann, John Dewey, and the court case of Brown vs. Brown. 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If parents were wealthy, they had the option to send their kids back home to get a â€Å"proper† education, while some middle class parents could provide tutors for their kids; however many parents could not afford them. The lower class really didn’t get the opportunity to provide even the most basic education to their children. Homeschooling was an option, but many parents did not have enough education themselves let alone having the ability to be capable to teach their own children. I think we can

Monday, December 16, 2019

Notes For Religion Exam Free Essays

Theory essay and pop culture essay. Underline and circle key terms Islam, Post cool, psychoanalytical theory Chinese, Islam, indigenous, Hinduism, Janis, Buddhism 6 study questions Chinese Religion Question 3 -? How would you characterize Confucianism treatment of women? – Women had a critical, albeit indirect and informal role to play in government. Stores told illustrate the influence that a woman could exercise through intelligence and wisdom. We will write a custom essay sample on Notes For Religion Exam or any similar topic only for you Order Now Their role is important but lesser than the man. Bed ritual Islam Religion Question 3 – What is the Curran? How is it understood in the Muslim tradition? – The Curran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years. The angel Gabriel appeared to him and gave him the verses that became the Curran. It is the word of god and is not translated, but always read in Arabic. Indigenous Religion Question 3 -? Many indigenous religions have understood religious power in gendered terms. How are these gender divisions reflected n the traditions you have read about in this chapter? – Women are generally higher than men in indigenous religions. In Melanesia, men are very suspicious of women and perform odd rituals in order to have menstrual equality. Hinduism Religion Question 3 – What role do sacred texts play in Hinduism? They play a significant role in the religion. The Veda is the most authoritative text. Many of the ideas in this book helped establish Hinduism. The Veda is not kept in homes and its ideas are handed down from enervation to generation. Janis Religion Question 3 -? What are the main reasons believed to be responsible for the Asseverate and Digamma splitting? Occurred after the death of Mayfair Discrepancy over ascetic practice, women, and nature of the Jinn Separation – culture reform Buddhism Religion Question 3 – What role if any do deities play in Buddhism? Do not play a major role Many deities in the religion that represent certain ideals, but Buddha preached to let go of the idea of a God in order to achieve Nirvana Critical Race Theory – Racialism (Belief in racial superiority), racism (Power relations that grow from segregation), Hegemony (white dominance of America), intra-racial racism (racism within black community, and Internalized racism. How to cite Notes For Religion Exam, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Engineering Design Knowledge

Question: Discuss about the Engineering Design Knowledge. Answer: Key considerations for layout design: It is extremely important for contemporary business organizations to given attention to facility layout for a useful manufacturing or business processing unit (Hubka Eder, 2012). In supermarket firstly the plan of the grid floor is to be done so that it will be easy for the customers to navigate and for the management of the store to categorize. A loop store plan sorts a clear way or passage right through the store that opens and exposes customers to every item on display and it works fine zone merchandising tactics (Heizer Barry, 2013). The next should be the free flow store plan as it opens maximum creativity and it is also simple to change and renovate. Lastly, the decompression zone in the store is an essential as customer needs alteration area. For parking lot layout design should be flexible for renovation and changes according to vehicle sizes. Stall width and stall lengths are key considerations in this case. The design should allow free flow of continuous traffic. It should also facilitate free movement of pedestrians from parking to buildings ensuring safety. The plan must permit for suitable landscaping of the parking space without conflicting with site lighting. For the consideration for layout design of a restaurant, it is essential to have a certain idea on proposed traffic volumes and likely revenue sales of the business. The size and configuration of the proposed plot facilitate in planning further keeping in mind the following points like- road access to the restaurant, entry and exit points, parking, querying areas, etc. Costs are also an essential component when planning for restaurant layout design as it determines how much and where the money should be invested in the building process. Food storage area is another important layout in the restaurant followed by employee area and restrooms. Lastly, the layout design for the restaurant should consider in building an attractive and cozy dining area to attract more customers. Reference: Heizer, R., Barry, R. (2013).Operation Management, Sustainability and Supply Chain management(Vol. 11). Pearson, UK. Hubka, V., Eder, W. E. (2012).Design science: introduction to the needs, scope and organization of engineering design knowledge. Springer Science Business Media.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Taming Of The Shrew - Humour Essays - The Taming Of The Shrew

The Taming of the Shrew - Humour In The Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare creates humour through his characters by creating false realities (as demonstrated by Petruchios behaviour and attire in the scene of his wedding) and by the use of subterfuge and mistaken identity (shown in the final scenes with the transformation of Kate and Biancas respective personas). He also uses irony quite extensively, especially towards the end of the play (as can be seen in the final wager scene). The concept that things are not always as they seem is quite evident in the events surrounding, and including, Petruchios wedding ceremony. This particular scene in the play demonstrates how the use of false realities (a real situation falsely presented in order to deliberately deceive) can be used to create humour. Biondello describes Petruchios appearance to Baptista, and by doing so sets up the expectations of the audience. He says that Petruchio comes wearing: New hat and old jerkin; a pair of old breeches thrice turned; a pair of boots that have been candle-cases, one buckled another laced; an old rusty swordewith a broken hilt and chapeless; his horse hippedwith an old mothy saddle (Act III Scene II) This depiction of Petruchio conforms to Shakespeares technique of using false realities, in order to create humour. This can also be seen in the false identity that Petruchio puts forth in his quest for dominion over Kate (that of the eccentric egomaniac). However, these false realities are not enough by themselves, as the audience has nothing to go by but what they see before them, and so they are not to know that this is not Petruchios true personality, and so Shakespeare employs another essential element of humour: he lets the audience know what is truly transpiring, while the characters themselves remain oblivious to the truth. He does this using a soliloquy, in which Petruchio states the strategies he shall use in order to tame Kate: She ate no meat today nor none shall she eatand as with the meat some undeserved fault Ill find about the making of the bed This is the way to kill a wife with kindnesshe that knows better how to tame a shrew, not let him speak (Act IV Scene I) This soliloquy serves to reinforce the fact that things are not always as they seem. So the knowledge gleaned from this soliloquy means that we find the other events involving Kate and Petruchio even more amusing, as we can see that it is nothing more than an elaborate game of chess, instigated by Petruchio. Another example of where we find humour being generated by the fact that things are not always as they seem is the relationship between Kate and Bianca. Here Shakespeare uses the device of mistaken identity and combines it with a strong sense of irony. On the outside, Kate appears harsh, cruel and frightening to all of the characters. Even her father is scared of her monstrous temper, begging anyone to marry her. Yet as her relationship with Petruchio grows, her true identity emerges and our perception of her changes. She becomes much less of a shrew, her mistaken identity, and begins to become more obsequious and agreeable, her true identity. Despite all of her outward appearances, she is truly a good person in her heart. Yet Biancas scenario is different. She is perceived as a sweet and gentle person, a false conception, devoting herself to her studies and never wanting anything else out of life. Yet once she achieves her goal, to be married, her true self appears. She becomes quar relsome and apathetic. She becomes almost what her sister was. It is here that Shakespeare once again creates humour through the concept that things are not always as they seem. The irony that comes from seeing the reversal of characteristics and the drastic change in our perceptions of Kate and Bianca provide a sense of amusement, and self-righteous satisfaction at the way the tides have turned. An example of this is in the final scene where Petruchio and Lucentio place a wager on the obedience of their wives (Kate and Bianca respectively). Of course Lucentio loses due to Biancas disobedience and near-contempt for her husband, while Petruchio and

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Care strategies that can be used to support individuals with each of the physiological disorders Essays

Care strategies that can be used to support individuals with each of the physiological disorders Essays Care strategies that can be used to support individuals with each of the physiological disorders Essay Care strategies that can be used to support individuals with each of the physiological disorders Essay Care strategies need to be review regularly over a period of time this is done to ensure that they are in focused on the individual at the centre of the care. Medication that has been given to the individual has to also be reviews as it may have reached its time limit this means that they might become immune to it like some antibiotics people can become immune to so that this drug will not be affective. Checks have to be done to make sure that the medication is still effective and is working correctly and the patient isn’t suffering any side effects. If there are side effects occurring or the individual has become immune to their medication there will be investigations in to which alternative medication can be given to them that won’t react the same. Scans and x-rays may need to be repeated by the people that have put together the care strategy this is done so that if anything has changed that the individual Is getting care for or physic then this can be assessed again if they need this level of care and it can be changed, or on the other hand if the case has gotten worse and they symptoms are worsening then this also can be looked at and things can be done so that the individual is receiving the right care. After these have been undertaken then the patient will be referred back to their GP so that they can be monitored so then if anything changes in the patients’ health they can be referred to a specialist in this scenario the GP will act as a gate way. All these things are done so that the best possible care is being given to the individual and that they are at the centre of the care plan, as well as this it is done so that there is no overlap of the same physio and treatment and there is no waste of resources. Statutory care Statutory care is care that is required by law and is governed by legislation. Statutory care includes things like the dentist, primary care trusts and care given at the hospitals. Non statutory care Non statutory care is a type of care that is run by the private and voluntary sector. Health and social care services are more than likely delivers by the companies in the business of care who aim to make a profit out of the things they do. This type of care offers things like ; NHS walk-in-centres, NHS run treatment centres, Dental access centres, Health promotion units, Primary care support agencies, Units within an NHS Trust and Multi-trust working groups. Most of the time residential care will be funded by the NHS this falls under the NHS continuing care, and sometimes do not come at any cost. Residential care helps out with the individuals with their personal care e. g. ashing and dressing, the people in the residential home are given 3 square meals a day this can be useful for them as they may not be able to cook when they are in their own home and this may lead to them not getting enough to eat, the home ensures that the individual is safe and secure and is not in any potential risk also the staff are there to give emotional support and help them to live as independently as possible which they may not be able to do within their own home. A residential home offers a friendly environment where everybody is encourage to join in activities and events, this can give the individual a sense of confidence now they are socialising because they may have socially withdrawn themselves when they are living at home, these events and acidities may include a wheelchair fitness routine, karaoke nights, coffee mornings and days out to local attractions. The Alzheimer’s sufferers will have a health and mobility assessment before they go into a residential home they will only have a place in a home if they cannot live independently in their own home or they are struggling alone and depending on home care. Services may also come into the home to visit like hairdressers, chiropodists, nail technicians and also medical visitors such as a local go to doc the individuals GP may make a visit if they can’t go to check-ups and social workers if they need this service. The individual will be put into a home with their permit ion because Alzheimer’s is a very progressive disease and their skills within their home can decrease rapidly which can become very frustrating for the individual as they are used to living independently. As the individual starts to deteriorate they may find they need extra care other than the home care they are receiving isn’t enough for them to live independently. This is where they will be given the choice of moving into residential care so that they can be supported as much as they need to be so that they are not in and danger. As well as this being a reason for the individual moving into residential care they also may need the residential support because they may not have any direct family to care and support them with their progressive disease, family can play a huge part of the caring process with somebody with Alzheimer’s as they can help with basic everyday things such as washing up, shopping and even socialising. Even if the individual does have direct family they may not have the time the individual requires because they have full time jobs, children and other priorities so they might think about moving into a residential home so the carers can provide this care for them and their family can visit when they have the time. Also the individual may become a severe danger to themselves because there house isn’t adapted to their needs, there mobility is deteriorating and they are at risk of trips and falls , ,they may start to forget to do simple things such as forgetting turn the gas cooker off, forgetting to turn the tap of and leaving on the fire they can become oblivious to these things because of their memory loss due to the disease attacking there short term memory, as well as this they can become very confused and start to do thing such as ring family or friends and telling them something that isn’t true which may make them very alarmed for example they may tell them that they are being burgled or they have are moving away etc. the individual dose this because they can revert back to their childhood and past memory this can become very distressing for family and close friends. This can also make the individual very vulnerable to danger as they may forget to lock doors and windows and this can make them an instant target if they live alone and confused. An occupational will do a needs assessment with them within their home to see if they can do anything practically to assist them to carry on living independently but if this can’t be done and they are a great danger to themselves they may be given the option to move into residential care can help this and help control this deterioration by reminding them to do simple things with prompts and sticky notes and also do things for them such as cooking there dinner and washing so the carers can make sure that they have tuned taps off and gas cookers to prevent any danger from occurring. As well as this the carers that work at residential care homes can assist the individual to take care of their own personal care which they may not be doing well themselves within their own home, they might forget to wash their hair and clean their teeth and carry out personal care steps on a regular basis this can cause them to form infections but carers at a residential home can make sure that they do this so infection can be prevented. Aids for living – Aids for living can assist somebody to live at home independently. There are many things that can help the individual around their house like; food preparation and eating aids, personal care and grooming aids, clothing adaptation aids, reaching and mobility aids and personal home and safety aids. These things can range from small aids such as adapted cutlery and non-spill cups if somebody struggles with their grip, telephones with bigger numbers if they have developed sight problems also there are phones where there is a speed dial with a picture space so it can hold a picture of their doctor or a family member so it is much easier for the individual to remember who they are and also there phone number instead of having to remember it and dial it. To bigger adaptations such as stair lift’s Zimmer frames and enforced railings for people who struggle with balance, another adaptation for someone with Alzheimer’s is flash cards, instruction posters and post stick notes reminding them to do something and jogging there memory. To get these adaptations and advise the individual would contact there Occupational Therapist who will advise them on equipment and strategies hat can help them with everyday activities. If the individual does not have a care pan and therefore doesn’t have an occupational therapist then they can be contacted through there GP and social workers. The NHS can provide a certain amount of equipment such as walking sticks, walking frames and wheel chairs. Aids of living are a large support for somebody with Alzheimer’s as they starts to loose there recent memory they may need this extra support such as mobility support, memory joggers and instructions. Flash cards can start to become a regular memory exercise to slow the memory loss process down. Aids of living are designed for the individual who is developing Alzheimer’s to live independently as long as possible with the help of aids that are available to them. Home care- 70% of people with Alzheimer’s are cared for at home it can give an individual some quality of independent living as well as their family a peace of mind that they are being assisted around their house. Home care can range from a few hours a week to the carer living at their home with the sufferer which is ‘round the clock care’ this is depending on the severity of the disease and how the individual is coping in their home living independently. Home carers help the individual with personal care, everyday tasks such as cleaning cooking and ironing as well as somebody to talk to. To receive home care a social worker will carry out a needs assessment to see if they need they are in need of home care. The individual may need this home care for a number of reasons one being that because the disease is acting fast and affecting their memory in a way in which stops them from being able to live independently. As well as this they may have had a family member caring for them and they may not be able to do so anymore because of time issue or other commitments, the disease may be progressing and they may have become a danger to themselves and others around them because of their memory loss and confusion etc. , they may lose the skills they have such as skills they may use every day and if they are still in work skills needed for their job may be lost and they are no longer able to carry on working. They may have had a partner that cared for them and helped them remember everyday things and they could have passed away suddenly and this would have left them with nobody to care for them which can put them in danger of themselves and may not be able to cope alone and therefore need extra care around the house. Also home care can help and individual if they are prone to falling as there mobility can be affected they can be provided with extra support or if they did have a fall because they were unaided around the house by their carer the carer can tend to the individual in a mild case or get in touch with the emergency services if this is needed, this can give reassurance for close friends and family if they are working they know that there relative or friend is safe at home. Day care- Day cares centred are located all over the UK and they provide a place where people with Alzheimer’s can go to visit during the day. This is a safe environment where they can go to and feel safe and secure, this gives family members a piece of mind knowing that they are safe and able to have a good time while being looked after. Care centres are a great way of keeping the individual active and socially engaged, there are many activities provided at the centre which the guests are encouraged to be involved in these include singing clubs, vegetable growing which they can take home, drama, yoga, crafts and art and chicken dove and rabbit keeping this gives them a sense of responsibility and a feeling that they are able to do things with some assistance, also it is important that the individual stays active and able minded . The centres are specially equipped for people with dementia and Alzheimer’s the rooms are decorated specifically for individuals with the disease these special rudiments include special carpets and large clear navigation signs that make moving around as easy as possible for the visitors, because they are more mobile than they would be in their home they may find old skills easier to do in the centres such as gardening and dancing. Within the centres there are carers that make sure the visitors are safe and looked after properly, they can help out with mobility issues, feeding and going to the toilet that they may not be able to do so easy at home.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Scare Quotes Should Be Scarce Quotes

Scare Quotes Should Be Scarce Quotes Scare Quotes Should Be Scarce Quotes Scare Quotes Should Be Scarce Quotes By Mark Nichol Many writers- professionals and creators of casual composition alike- employ a form of emphasis that is usually unnecessary and often clumsily intrusive. Scare quotes, pairs of quotation marks placed around a word or phrase for emphasis, are valid when writers frame wording they are using ironically or mockingly, when they wish to imply that the enclosed word or words are not valid, or to communicate that they are reporting but not endorsing a term or expression. In any case, by using scare quotes, writers are making a statement and therefore calling attention not only to the wording but also to themselves. However, the use of scare quotes to superfluously bracket slang or figurative language is a hallmark of amateurish prose, and anyone who wishes to be taken seriously as a writer should avoid this misuse of a tool that is best employed in appropriate circumstances and in moderation. Examples of extraneous scare quotes follow: The tech industry has a history of hiring so-called â€Å"booth babes† to attract passersby at big trade shows. So-called and scare quotes are redundant, so employ one form of emphasis or the other, but not both: â€Å"The tech industry has a history of hiring so-called booth babes to attract passersby at big trade shows† or â€Å"The tech industry has a history of hiring â€Å"booth babes† to attract passersby at big trade shows.† (Because many people consider the phrase â€Å"booth babes† demeaning, it is probably better to employ so-called, which exonerates the writer, who is merely reporting the term and attitudes behind it, not suggesting his or or her approval of the term.) A â€Å"shoot the messenger† environment is a toxic environment. Metaphorical phrases need no special emphasis (but the figurative wording, a phrasal adjective, requires connecting hyphens): â€Å"A shoot-the-messenger environment is a toxic environment.† There are things organizations can do in the meantime to â€Å"hit the ground running.† Again, phrases that refer to nonliteral actions (as here, where no impact, surface, or speedy perambulation actually occurs) require no quotation marks: â€Å"There are things organizations can do in the meantime to hit the ground running.† Online crime will continue to â€Å"follow the money† and attempt to disrupt legitimate payment processes or divert digital funds in order to take advantage of the next online crime wave. The figurative phrase â€Å"follow the money† is understood as such and need not enclosed in quotation marks for emphasis: â€Å"Online crime will continue to follow the money and attempt to disrupt legitimate payment processes or divert digital funds in order to take advantage of the next online crime wave.† Manufacturers that have so far taken a â€Å"wait and see† approach with big-sata analytics and similar digital innovations have the benefit of learning from the missteps of early adopters. â€Å"Wait and see† requires no special emphasis, though because it is a phrasal adjective modifying approach, it should be hyphenated: â€Å"Manufacturers that have so far taken a wait-and-see approach with big-data analytics and similar digital innovations have the benefit of learning from the missteps of early adopters.† In a rapidly changing environment, this behavior creates lethal â€Å"blind spots† in an organization. Readers understand that the reference to blind spots does not pertain literally to the sense of sight, so the phrase does not need to be emphasized to signal its figurative use: â€Å"In a rapidly changing environment, this behavior creates lethal blind spots in an organization.† This action was intended to purge â€Å"black money,† or illegal cash holdings, from its financial system. When a potentially unfamiliar term is introduced with a gloss (a brief parenthetical definition), as here, quotation marks should not frame the word or phrase: â€Å"This action was intended to purge black money, or illegal cash holdings, from its financial system.† The government action to remove these notes from circulation (known as â€Å"demonetarization†) voided most of the cash in circulation. Again, a term introduced with a definition requires no emphasis: â€Å"The government action to remove these notes from circulation (known as demonetarization) voided most of the cash in circulation.† The NASA mission’s lead scientist described the asteroid, known as â€Å"16 Psyche,† as the remnant of the core of a planet. Introduction of a proper name does not merit enclosure of the term in quotation marks: â€Å"The NASA mission’s lead scientist described the asteroid, known as 16 Psyche, as the remnant of the core of a planet.† Her new band, â€Å"Tempest,† has just released its debut album. Again, proper names have no need for framing quotation marks: â€Å"Her new band, Tempest, has just released its debut album.† A related, and also regrettable, use of scare quotes is frequently seen in advertisements and signs- when, for example, one sees â€Å"Sale† or the name of a product in quotation marks, as if to say, â€Å"This sale is not real† or â€Å"These ‘widgets’ are not actual widgets.†) So, how does one use scare quotes appropriately? Examples follow: â€Å"He ignores women he considers unattractive, and he talked to me, so I guess that means I’m ‘hot.’† â€Å"Evidently, in this upwardly mobile, uptight neighborhood, that is not ‘proper’ behavior.† â€Å"This strategy is reminiscent of the ‘pacification’ of a village achieved by bombing the hell out of it.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What is the Difference Between "These" and "Those"?Comma Before ButWords Often Misspelled Because of Double Letters

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Question is below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Question is below - Essay Example Still, we wonder at the real enormity of freedom granted to the people that have been tempered by the government’s implementation of rules and regulations which effectively shrank the people’s rights. A closer look on lobbying for the public’s freedom has on the other hand, generated so much confusion. This is probably because the people do not really have a cohesive stand on issues concerning rights, privileges, limitations and violations. So now, after lapping in the comforts of the information age for years, we come at another crucial but definitely interesting point of contention. What limits should be set by law on the freedom of expression of communication and publication via the internet? We need to highlight on censorship not only of indecent materials via the internet but also of other forms of psychological abuse towards humanity. This is due to the fact that news reports have illustrated examples of alarming crimes directly or vicariously connected from having accessed materials published virtually. If it has spawned criminal behavior, of that we need empirical evidence but the truth remains that misbehaviors have been learned and continuously so, through the web. We draw the line at child and explicit adult pornography. We draw the line at extreme graphic violence and psychologically damaging elements. We draw the line at unlimited access particularly for children of sites that are too exploitative or too destructive to the over-all well-being and dignity of each person. Restrictions are primordially important since we have struggled to espouse special protection for women and children from the laws that have been enacted. Yet, from the sites available on the internet alone, we see horrendous and crippling images of the marginalized members of the society that we have sworn to protect. Furthermore, numerous libelous statements have genuinely defamed entities because of lack or inconsistent interpretation of statutes concerning

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Components of Consumer Information Processing Case Study

Components of Consumer Information Processing - Case Study Example As a consumer, I consider myself a more of utilitarian than hedonic. This mean whenever I am shopping I always aim at maximizing utility. I view shopping as a task which I have to program first, then conduct a proper search in order to get the a product or a service with desired specifications to satisfy my need. I normally seek functional, instrumental, and practical benefits. A recent Study on why people go shopping has revealed that shopping experience can provide to the consumer with a combination of both utilitarian value and hedonic value. Utilitarian value is task oriented and cognitive in nature. On the other hand, hedonic value is tied to the emotional aspect of the shopping experience. A consumer perceive a utilitarian value if they acquire they acquire product that necessitated their shopping trip, while at the same time perceive hedonic value if they enjoyment of the shopping experience. For these reason although I put more emphasis on maximizing a product utility, I also enjoy a shopping experience that offer both utilitarian and hedonic value satisfaction. The components of the consumer information processing are important to the business in various aspects. First, it is important to note that the volume of sales as well as the profitability of the business depends on the consumer buying behavior. These components include the exposure stages, retention, yielding, comprehension, and the attention. The exposure component triggers the stimuli of the consumer to acquire the product. The information processing is important to the business in that attracts the attention of many consumers hence the customer base of the organization is bound to increase significantly (Roy and Ian 372). It facilitates the provision of the necessary information to the consumers and thus, helps the consumer in making decision to buy the product. It provides the clear image of the product whilst providing the consumer with information regarding

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Chromium and Nickel in Welding Fumes Essay Example for Free

Chromium and Nickel in Welding Fumes Essay Chromium and nickel compounds are one of the many byproducts of the reaction between a metals and welding materials. Welders are exposed to these byproducts all throughout their welding works. However, too much exposure of a person to these by products may lead to serious health problems. In this paper, the disparity of American Welding Society safety facts and other organizations will be discussed. In addition, the ways to control exposure to the said compounds will be discussed. An overview of such effects of nickel and chromium compound fumes is listed by the AWS. It is stated that nickel and chromium compound fumes are possible carcinogens to the human system. Health effects of alloys that contain nickel and chromium to welders and users are not yet determined. Possible health effects should be referred to National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (American Welding Society [AWS], 2003). When one say that a person is exposed to a certain compound, this means many things. However, in this paper fumes that has concentrations of nickel and chromium compound. The disparity between the organizations will be examined. The American Welding Society (AWS) discussed three things, the immediate effects of exposure to fumes, the chronic or long-term effects of exposure to the fumes and protection against over exposure. In controlling exposure of a welder to nickel and chromium compounds, the AWS suggested a few things. First, welders or persons that are near welding sites should avoid inhaling the fumes. Second, Proper ventilation and exhausts should be provided to welding sites and arcs to avoid the gases to be near your breathing system. Third, Air samples should be tested for the correct level of compounds in the air if ventilation and exhausts are not properly established in a welding location. Last, minimize the exposure to the said compounds (American Welding Society [AWS], 2003). In contrast to the recommendations of AWS, Nickel Institute has a more detailed recommendation for controlling exposure to fumes with nickel and chromium compounds concentrate. In their recommendation, the level of concentrations of nickel and chromium compounds in fumes should be limited to 0. 05 mg/m3 up to 0. 1 mg/m3. In the recommendation, it is also stated that to control emission of fumes, proper choice of welding process must be employed. However, choice of welding process is usually determined by the technical and economic factors (Nickel Development Institute [NDI], 2001). Overall, safety of welders is still the concern that should be given proper handling. The goal of having a good control of the fumes with chromium compounds and nickel concentrations is to eliminate it. If one cannot eliminate it, then one should minimize it. First, proper welding process should be employed. Second, welder should work in a proper welding area. This means that the workplace should be fully ventilated and has exhausts. Third, proper welder equipments and apparatus should be used. Fourth, proper welder uniform should be used. This is one of the most important things to be considered. If a welder has a proper uniform, then possible direct damages to the person may be minimized or neglected. Last, routine checks of the work area, equipments, apparatus, and welders should be done. This means that a routine check of the said things must be done, like checking fume concentration levels, checking welder health, etc, in order to secure health hazards that may arise during the work. If the said recommendations are fully employed, then health hazards like over exposure to fumes can be minimized, if not eliminated. Thoriated Tungsten Electrodes Thoriated Tungsten Electrodes is one of the most used materials in welding. Thoriated tungsten has thorium. Thorium is a radioactive metal that emits alpha, and small amounts of beta and gamma particles. Thorium is one of the best welding materials due to its long lasting, easy to use, low melting and low rate of consumption of electrodes. However, certain health hazards are associated to thorium. External exposure of a person to thorium is not a big deal. The real danger of thoriated tungsten is when dust particles during the grinding of the thorium is ingested or inhaled. If a person accidentally ingested or inhaled thorium from grinding it, there is a big potential of internal radiation to the person who ingested or inhaled the dust particles (American Welding Society [AWS], 2003). The source of the thorium exposure is mainly derived from the grinding of the tungsten before use so that maximum arc stability of the electrode is achieved. In that process of grinding, thorium dust particles are released in to the open air that creates an unhealthy environment to welding personnel. Health officers in work areas should employ some recommendations in order to reduce the exposure of workers to thorium dust particles. In order to eliminate thorium dust particles, one should eliminate the use of thorium tungsten electrodes. Many thorium-free tungsten electrodes are available. Some of these are cerium, lanthanum, yttrium, and zirconium tungsten electrodes. If thoriated tungsten electrodes cannot be replaced, authorities in work areas should utilize the use of proper handling of the said materials. That is following the Material Safety Data Sheet for thoriated tungsten electrodes. One should also take in to consideration the containment of the dust particles. This means that one should contain dusts created from grinding as soon as possible in order to prevent the health hazards associated to it. In addition to that, work area authorities should also assess the ventilations systems. In that way, one can control the flow of dust particles that is not contained so that workers will be able to prevent inhalation and ingestion of the said particles. Containment of the dust particles is only the first step. The next step after it is the disposal of the dust particles. Thoriated dust particles should be disposed properly and regularly. Disposal of thoriated tungsten electrode dust particles should be disposed with compliance to federal state (The Welding Institute, [TWI], 2008). Radiation obtained from thoriated tungsten electrode can be prevented if one complies with the recommendations that are given from the previous paragraph. There should be someone who is able to check if a work place complies with the recommendations. Federal authorities are one of the many institutions that implement the recommendations of the American Welding Society (AWS). In addition to that, public health officers are also responsible in implementing the said recommendations. Furthermore, work places should also have their own health and safety officers that ensure a healthy working environment for its workers (American Welding Society [AWS], 2003). Health risks in work places can be prevented in many ways. Recommendations made by some institutions are welcomed in order to have a healthy work place for welders. If strict implementation of health and safety recommendations made by AWS is enforced, health risks like internal radiation can be prevented. Knowledge is the key to being safe and healthy. Knowledge in proper handling of thoriated tungsten electrode and proper disposal of thoriated dust particles can eliminate hazards brought about not only by thorium but also by all of the other materials that can cause health hazards. In the end, safety and health of workers will still be the concern of everyone. References American Welding Society. (October 2003). Chromium and Nickel in Welding Fume. Safety and Health Fact Sheet. Retrieved May 6, 2009 from http://files. aws. org/technical/facts/FACT-04. PDF American Welding Society. (October 2003). Thoriated Tungsten Electrodes. Safety and Health Fact Sheet. Retrieved May 6, 2009 from http://files. aws. org/technical/facts/FACT-27. PDF Nickel Development Institute (NDI). (March 2001). Stainless Steel and Welding Fume. Nickel Institute. Retrieved May 6, 2009 from http://www. nickelinstitute. org/index. cfm/ci_id/229. htm The Welding Institute (TWI). (2008). The Use of Thoriated Tungsten Electrodes. Retrieved May 6, 2009 from http://www. twi. co. uk/content/faq_thoriated. html

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Whitmans Democracy :: essays research papers

Whitman's Democracy "I speak the pass-word primeval, I give the sign of democracy, By God! I will Accept nothing which all cannot have their counterpart of on the same terms." This is Whitman's expression of the idea of democracy taken from "Song of Myself." In this all encompassing interpretation Whitman says that the freedom offered by democracy is for all not a chosen few. It included all people, not renouncing those of other races, creeds, or social standings. Examples of this acceptance are scattered through many of the poems Whitman wrote. In his poem "To a Common Prostitute" Whitman wrote: "Not till The sun excludes you do I exclude you." He has accepted the women as a prostitute, but this also conveys Whitman's ideas of democracy. The notion that all people should be covered under the cover of freedom. The sun is used as a metaphor for democracy in this poem, as it should shine upon all equally. When Whitman discusses the "shunn'd persons" in "Native Moments" he once again mimics the concepts of democracy with his words. He lets all know that he embraces the people that others have rejected, as democracy should embrace all. These people are part of America also, and should be accepted as such. as democracy should embrace all. Whitman commends the many people of America in "I Hear America Singing." He writes of the mothers, and the carpenters. He says that they all sing their own song of what belongs to them. In this poem Whitman brings these people from all backgrounds together as Americans. In the freedom of American democracy

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ice Wine Research Paper Essay

Wine is known to be an extremely versatile and malleable food source. It has the ability to please both the palette as well as the intellect. There are countless varietals of wine, including the ever exotic Eiswein, or as it is more commonly known as Ice Wine. The production of Ice Wine requires very specific parameters. So much so that it cannot be produced in most countries. Only some of the coldest climates can yield Ice Wine. Two of which are Canada and Germany. These two produce about 75 percent of the entire world’s Ice Wine. (What is the history of Ice Wine wine). Ice Wine has a long history. The first mentioning of Ice Wine can date back to the Roman times. These reports have stated that there were certain grapes that could not be harvested before the frost has taken hold of them. Many believe the first post-Roman Ice Wine was created in Franconia, Germany in 1794. Although much of these reports are tentative, seeing as a lot of the documentation has been lost to time. The most accurate depiction of the history of Ice Wine would be from Dromersheim to Bingen in Rheinhessen on February 11, 1830. (What is the History of Ice Wine wine?) The grapes were left hanging on vines for use as animal feed. Upon the arrival of the frost it was discovered that these grapes yielded a very sweet must. Must or young wine is freshly pressed essence of fruit that contains skins, seeds, and stems of the fruit. Must is an essential part of the preliminary steps in winemaking. Once this must was pressed some of the first documented Ice Wines were produced. Once the invention of the pneumatic bladder occurred Germany Ice Wines grew in popularity. They were eventually being produced on a semi-mass production level in 1961. Karl Kaiser a co-owner of the winery known as Inniskillin was seeking to create his own Canadian version of the Ice Wine. He along with fellow neighbor Ewald Reif left grapes on their vines in an attempt to produce the highly sought after treat. The result was a tragic loss of the entire harvest of grapes. In 1984 Kaiser decided to use a new tactic for cultivating the frosty grapes. He draped a net over his vines and produced Inniskillin’s first Ice wine. Being made from Vidal grapes this wine was labeled Eiswein. This kick started the production of Eiswein from a commercial standpoint. It increasingly grew in popularity among the locals of Canada. Pretty soon everyone was attempting their hand at production of it. †International breakthrough of Canadian ice wine came in 1991, when Inniskillin’s 1989 Vidal ice wine won the Grand Prix d’Honneur at Vinexpo. The Canadian trend towards increased cultivation of Vitis Vinifera grape varieties in the 1990s expanded the palette of varieties available to be bitten by frost. † (What is the History of Wine Making? ) The official snag of first place was taken by Canada in the early 2000s. The production of Eiswein in Germany had started to rapidly slow down, thus allowing Canada to take the spot for the number one producer of Ice Wine in the Entire world. The production of Ice wine demands a variety of variables. One of which is the climate. In order for it to be properly produced the climate must be perfect for the specifications the grapes require. It cannot be frigid cold, but it cannot be too hot either. It needs to be cold enough to keep a frost, but still warm enough that the grapes are not rotted from the cold. â€Å"Officially, ice-wine grapes can only be harvested when frozen solid. Ontario’s Vintners Quality Alliance says it has to be -8  °C or below, while the world’s official wine body, the International Office of Vine and Wine (OIV), stipulates -7  °C or below. Both are adamant that grapes have to be frozen naturally, out of doors and on the vine. † (â€Å"Extreme winemaking† 54). This causes for some unusual picking conditions. Many times the grapes have to be harvested at night, and pressed in an area that has little heat whatsoever. Most winemakers obsessively watch the weather, waiting for that special moment where the temperature plummets to -9  °C and remains there. Once this has happened they must act quickly to salvage the grapes. Since the grapes are frozen it generally requires much more of them to produce a sufficient amount of Ice wine in comparison to how many it takes for regular wine to be produced. It is imperative that the temperature is low, it is crucial to the sweetness of the wine. As the temperature of the grape decreases the sugar content rises. By regulation, ice-wine grapes must have a minimum sugar content of 35 ° Brix — that’s 35 grams of sugar in every 100 grams of grape juice. A table-wine grape, by contrast, might rate at only 20 ° Brix. At -8 â€Å"C, the grapes will usually be sweet enough. Below -13  °C you can’t get any juice out of them at all (â€Å"Extreme winemaking† 55). Many vineyards process their Ice Wine harvest differently. Some will just haul the pressed grapes outdoors, while others will open the doors to their pressing plant and let the cold air keep the grapes chilled. Timing is another crucial factor; the grapes have to be pressed on the spot. This ensures the juice is thick and sweet. â€Å"It takes much higher pressure — about 6 bar as compared to the normal 1. 5 to 2 — to crush frozen grapes â€Å" (â€Å"Extreme winemaking† 55). Since the grapes yield such a high sugar level it makes it difficult to properly ferment the yeast. So whereas a table wine takes roughly a week to ferment, ice wine takes from two to six months (â€Å"Extreme winemaking, 55). Ice wine can be achieved in two ways. The first is the result of naturally freezing and crushing the grapes. The other is using the method of artificial freezing known as cryoextraction (Diwinetaste). In Canada cryoextraction is forbidden by law to be used. However, in the USA, in order to produce Ice wines this is the method that is most desirable. Due to the restrictions of the climate, Ice wine is notable for its intense variation of flavors compared to normally processed wine. It tends to be extremely sweet and presents an apricot to peach fruitiness when it comes to the aroma. Many would classify Ice Wine as liquefied gold, the tedious circumstances that are required to make Ice wine attribute to the overall price of the product. Half a bottle is generally $40. Ice wine has quite an extensive history. Canada started out being the second best producer of this highly sought after commodity. Shortly they surpassed Germany, and to this day still produce the extremely versatile, but challenging wine. Its requirement for specific temperatures keeps it a pleasant, but rare treat. What with its pleasant mouth feel, to the richness of its fruity undergo, it is highly speculated that this wine will most likely never be surpassed in its complexity and originality.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Humanism and the Renaissance Essay

Founded on the ideals of Italian scholar and poet Francesco Petrarca during the late fourteenth century, Renaissance humanism centered itself on humanity’s potential for achievement. Although God is credited for creating the universe, human beings are the ones credited for developing and sustaining it. The shift was away from understanding the world through faith and towards a broader intellectual and scientific understanding of it. A humanist, in this context, was simply a teacher whose curriculum focused on the liberal arts. By the mid-fifteenth century, this curriculum evolved to include rhetoric, grammar, poetry, history and moral philosophy (or ethics). Together these individual disciplines comprised the core of humanistic studies. But the ideas introduced were not altogether new. Humanists relied on primary sources such as the classical literature of Greece and Rome. What is remarkable, however, are the great lengths to which the movement sought to recover and reintroduce old ideas to the present times. It is remarkable when considering that after the fall of Rome in the fifth century much of the texts housing ideas central to humanistic thought were virtually lost or buried in obscurity. Ancient ideas within these classical texts were considered crucial because humanists considered the ancient world the pinnacle of human achievement and thought its human accomplishments should serve as the model for contemporary Europe. After the fall of Rome, human progress and achievement slowed to a trickle. Western civilization became mired in a period of cultural decline that the Renaissance mind considered a â€Å"dark age† in human history. The only way out was a return to the ideas propelling the ancient world forward. It was, in essence, a trip back to the future. Humanism profoundly affected the artistic community and how artists themselves were perceived. The medieval mind viewed artists as humble servants whose talent and ability were meant to honor God. This is evident in the work of medieval artists adorning churches and cathedrals. Renaissance artists, in contrast, were trained intellectuals – well versed in the classics and mathematical principles. And the art that they created reflected this newfound perspective. The Renaissance also gave birth to a new class in the social order – the merchant class which closely resembles what we now refer to as the middle class. And this merchant class had the means to commission an artist’s services. This dramatically expanded the sources of patronage (i. e. financial support) as well as the themes an artist could consider. No longer was patronage a luxury only the aristocracy could afford. And no longer were commissions relegated primarily to religious considerations. Enlightened citizens with the means to afford it considered artistic patronage an important activity. And with expanded participation, new kinds of art were introduced into the Renaissance landscape. Aristocratic patrons often commissioned portraits. But much of the art commissioned at the time was at the patronage of the merchant class. This art was primarily secular in nature – including mythological subject matter – and adorned the halls and rooms of town homes and country villas. Citizens such as Cosimo de’ Medici were civic minded and supported notable worthwhile causes. De’ Medici supported libraries, for example. He also had a fondness for the work of the artist Donatello and an interest in merging Plato’s ideals with Christian philosophy in an effort to demonstrate how life’s spiritual aspects can overcome physical limitations (leading to a revival of Neo-Platonism). Cosimo’s grandson – Lorenzo the Magnificent – was an avid art collector and benefactor to a young Michelangelo. This underscored the benefit of associating intellectual pursuits with the resources to pursue them. It cast a wide social net along with establishing a thriving market place for creativity. One work of art that embodies the ideal of the Early Italian Renaissance is Donatello’s â€Å"Penitent Magdalene. † The work was commissioned between the late 1430s and 1450s. It is a life-size polychromed wood sculpture. The contrapposto positioning (one leg bearing weight with the other relaxed) is a reference to classic Greek style. The work presents Mary Magdalene as a sympathetic figure who has paid her dues in life. It is an emotionally moving piece. Once a prostitute, Mary evolved to become one of Jesus Christ’s most devout followers and trusted confidants. She was the first person to whom Jesus appeared after the Crucifixion. Afterwards, however, she lived her life in perpetual penance and self-imposed suffering to atone for the sins in life she committed. The sculpture presents Mary as old and frail with few hints of her long lost and forgotten beauty. What does remain to remind us that this was once a strong and beautiful presence to behold is a refined bone structure, the contrapposto pose and long hair. But the trembling hands raised as if in prayer and tattered dress convey that this woman has suffered long enough. She is deserving of forgiveness and compassion. This is the work of an artist well versed not only in the spiritual origin of this woman’s story, but our own sense of humanity and what we may aspire to.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Based On Your Reading This Week, How Has Your Impression Of

Based On Your Reading This Week, How Has Your Impression Of Based On Your Reading This Week, How Has Your Impression Of Informatics, Especially Nursing – Coursework Example Reflection on Nursing Informatics The continuous development of telecommunications and computer technology continues to offer the health sector opportunities that promote communication, education and patient safety (Johnson et al., 2012). Consequently, the American health care system seeks to implement electronic health records entirely (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2012). The resources accessed and used, and the information together with discussions with my classmates during this week has immensely heightened my apprehension of numerous elements of nursing and medical informatics. Before enrolment to this course, my conception of nursing informatics was a little limited. I initially thought that nursing informatics entailed using a computer at the nursing wards next to the patient’s bed while providing care to record information. While nurses persist to use computers to record information, I have realized that nursing informatics also avails unlimited access t o resources on patients and their families, themselves and fellow nurses (Matney et al., 2011).Over this week, I learnt that nursing informatics is deemed a subspecialty of healthcare informatics (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). Notably, I learnt that nursing informatics expedites the incorporation of data, knowledge and information to support patients, nurses and health care professionals in resolution making in their functions and fields of specialty (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). I learnt that nursing informatics involves computer science, information science and nursing science (Johnson et al., 2012). If anyone had asked me earlier then I would have told them that one only required computer skills to carry out informatics. During this week, I also learnt that nursing informatics is a specialized field that is essential in the speedily shifting healthcare delivery system (Johnson et al., 2012). I initially thought that nursing informatics was a luxury that nurses would use in the hea lth care system.ReferencesMcGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2015). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett. American Association of Colleges of Nursing QSEN Consortium. (2012). Graduate-level QSEN competencies: Knowledge, skills and attitudes. Retrieved from aacn.nche.edu/faculty/qsen/competencies.pdf Johnson, J. E., Veneziano, T., Malast, T., Mastro, K., Moran, A., Mulligan, L., & Smith, A. L. (2012). Nursings future: Whats the message? Nursing Management, 43(7), 36–41. doi:10.1097/01.NUMA.0000415493.20578.f2 Click here to access this article Matney, S., Brewster, P. J., Sward, K. A.,Cloyes, K. G., & Staggers, N. (2011). Philosophical approaches to the nursing informatics data-information-knowledge-wisdom framework. Advances in Nursing Science, 34(1), 6–18.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Marketing - Essay Example This eventually resulted to creating a need for a good financial market for banking and finance in which the bottom line would be to stimulate needs for certain product or service offerings. This area has become so competitive in which the resulting activity leads to the creation of competitive rivalry. In short, it is important to consider that the presence of new market entrants, power of supplier and buyer and advancement in technology has significantly created an essential force leading to competitive rivalry (Ireland et al., 2007; Hitt et al., 2009). Porter therefore is right on specifying some factors that may essentially lead to the creation of competitive rivalry. Thus, he emphasised that there is a need to go for competitive strategies. This is what the financial market has essentially applied to the extent that there is a point to include economic policy measures just to minimise the presence of competition in the market (Lindbeck, 1973; Lancaster and Reynolds, 2005). The b uilding societies and banks The Building Societies Association (2011) presents some major differences between building societies and banks which include building societies as mutual institutions, are not companies run by their shareholders, and the issue on the limit of proportion of funds. These differences bring forward to some major advantages and even shown in some studies revealing that building societies have outperformed banks implying that mutual organisations may outweigh those stock organisations (Valnek, 1999). There are underlying reasons for this and one of the most significant is the inclusion of rights and privileges for members to receive the right information they deserve to have. The next most important thing about building societies is that they are not considered companies which are highly controlled by shareholders who are influential to maximise profits for increase amount of dividends. The point of this is that there will be low operating cost and other signif icant privileges that will ensure advantage on opportunity cost. In fact, it was found that building societies remain to have constant rates in deposit and mortgage (Heffeman, 2005). This emphasises that building societies are indeed not under pressure of its stakeholders which means further that the needs of consumers are greatly catered to the fullest. The limit of proportion of funds on the other hand would mean further that compared to banks, building societies are highly secured for investment and this is an opportunity for consumers or investors to go. Harpenden Building Society Harpenden’s company website revealed some of important information about its operation which leads to having a better view at its current trends in the market (Harpenden Building Society, 2010). Harpenden is known for its place in the UK building societies. It significantly belongs to the rank of 52 renowned UK building societies because of its 20,000 members having more than 25,000 accounts. As ide from this, Harpenden has no debt because it eliminates its chance for borrowings on the money market. Another good thing about the financial performance of Harpenden is the upward spiralling growth of its deposits and mortgages. Harpenden is also recognised by

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Determinants of Plasma Retinol and Beta-Carotene Levels Statistics Project

Determinants of Plasma Retinol and Beta-Carotene Levels - Statistics Project Example The statistical analysis demonstrated that for this showed that sex was significant at the .000 level. Additionally, the research should that the strength of the connection was .045. Regarding the first hypotheses, the research showed conclusively that the null hypothesis could be rejected. As such, the research hypothesis -- Sex would not have the same impact on the occurrence of Plasma Retinol (ng/ml) levels as it does on Plasma beta-carotene (ng/ml) levels – was accepted. Regarding the second hypothesis, the research showed that the null hypothesis could not be rejected and that research hypothesis that a correlation exists between the occurrence of Plasma Retinol (ng/ml) and Plasma beta-carotene (ng/ml) in the body could be rejected. The first test that was carried out was a regression analysis. This regression analysis examined the correlation between sex and plasma Retinol (ng/ml) levels. As noted, this test demonstrated that there was a significant correlation between the two variables. The second test that was carried out was also a regression analysis. This test instead examined the connection between sex and plasma beta-carotene (ng/ml) in the body. This test demonstrated that there was not a significant connection between the variables. Finally, the third test that was carried out was an independent samples t-test. This test examined whether or not a correlation existed between plasma retinol (ng/ml) levels and Plasma beta-carotene (ng/ml). This research showed that a connection did not exist between these two